xamoom Location CMS

Content management
for the mobile-first age.

Built to be true mobile-first

CMS for apps and mobile web - location based services

Building blocks of great pages

Dropping everything into one box is counter-intuitive. xamoom’s content blocks help you creating
good-looking pages with mobile first functionality in very short time.

Teamwork and time savers

Better together

Create content and manage spots together with your colleagues or an agency.


Quickly check the result of your work and see how users will experience your pages on their smartphone.

Many languages

xamoom supports 99 languages. Working with multilingual pages has never been easier. Plus: seamsless integration of Google Translate.

Accurate stats

We give you the most important numbers at a glance. Additionally, you can track your system’s usage with Google Analytics.

Spots: locations and objects

marketing with location based services at POIs

Locations & POIs

Locations have Bluetooth transmitters (aka iBeacons) or smart labels (QR and NFC). Smart labels help to make the information system very visible in public space. They lead to the mobile web where you can display all the information for the POI and advertise your app.

Productmarketing with QR, NFC, EAN, barcode

Objects & printed materials

Objects and printed materials do not have a geo-position. They can be equipped with QR codes and NFC tags. In some cases with iBeacons.

xamoom supports all techniques to identify an object or a location. If new technologies come up, we’ll support them immediately.
Depending on the project’s needs, all of these techniques can be used in any combination.

Push, beacons & engagement


Small Bluetooth transmitters (“beacons”) continually broadcasting a signal that an app can respond. Thus, a notification can be shown on either the smartphone and a smartwatch.

Push & geo push

Notifications bring an instant gratification if they are relevant. xamoom supports messages to all apps but also geo-push. This means that you can include or exclude a geographic area.


In a custom solution, we could remind the user on the app. So you could send out a voucher under a specific condition: e.g., the user is still in your area (tourism region) and has not used the app for three days.


situation-dependent marketing with conditional content

Because not every user, situation, time or location is the same, there is a demand for custom, tailor-made content. Behind one QR, NFC, or iBeacon there can be a slew of different pages – depending on the time of the day, the situation, the persona, or other variables.

Besides enabling you to be very helpful all the time, xamoom’s unique conditional content feature opens up a vast variety of new applications – from loyalty programs to easier and cheaper to print competitions with random winners.

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