A branch of the Carinthian State Museum is located on Mount St. Magdalen, about 20 km north of Klagenfurt. Since early August, the Archaeological Park offers a modern museum information system by xamoom. Visitors can get information at over 30 locations around the Roman city in four languages directly on their smartphones (via QR and NFC labels).

The museum’s director, Thomas Jerger, opened the system on August 7, 2015 – the first day of the “Roman Days”.

Feature focus: Multilingual

Complementary texts and information on the panels are available in four languages (English, German, Italian and Slovenian). Is a visitor’s phone set to Italian, they will automatically get the content shown in the Italian language, likewise, someone with a German language setting will get the German content.

Feature focus: Simplicity

The content was entered by the boss himself. Jerger’s interests lie with technology and he is enthusiastic about xamoom’s page editor. “The work was very easy for me. Above all, the handling of several languages is very well resolved, “says the museum’s director.

Here you can see his opinion on such information systems and their future (Video in the German language):

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Problem: mobile Internet

Yet, there is a small hook that needs to be openly addressed: the quality of the mobile Internet varies and is generally quite poor. But the matter can only get better.

On the one hand, there are thoughts of providing Wi-Fi in the park and on the other hand, the situation will get better with the roll-out of LTE to more rural areas. And last but not least, there is an end to expensive roaming fees in Europe in sight.