Our core product, the smart app, is an app for iOS and Android that can be used in many industries and for many applications. It is used in museums as well as in tourism and community building. With the start of xamoom.forms in spring 2021, we looked for further possibilities ... and found them in quiz apps or scavenger hunts.
This not only includes being able to answer singular questions somewhere (which is not a bad thing) but also a point system and levels. After all, the instinct to play is a little inhibited when you can't win anything or beat anyone.
xamoom now presents the smart quiz app. We have already won two first two customers: Jakobskinder.de in northern Germany and the Herberstein Zoo in Austria in Styria. The respective apps are freshly available in the app stores.
Added value and used flexibility
In addition to the usual versatility of our smart app, it also offers three features that are essential for quizzes:
- A score screen that shows how many points a player has earned already and how many levels have already been climbed.
- The quiz screen features lists of quizzes that have already been solved and those which still wait for the right answer.
- The functionality behind the scenes such as counting points, calculating levels, or showing fancy dialog boxes.
Our mantra is that the customer can do everything himself. After first deploying to the app store, there should be no need to call for a developer and pay dearly for everything. It has to be affordable, it has to be calculable and there must not be any unnecessary waiting times.
The configuration is, therefore, typical for xamoom. First, the form with the quiz is created, the correct answer is announced (to the system) and a number of points is assigned. Then the quiz is inserted into the page in the xamoom CMS. Finally, the all-important tag "x-quiz" is added to the page.
The tag "x-quiz" not only ensures the quiz functionality in the app but is also responsible for the automatic listing on the quiz overview page (open or completed quizzes).
Consequent progress
The pricing for the new app is at 878 Euro per month – this is a little higher than the smart app (699 Euro p.m.), since not only the quiz module but also xamoom.forms is included here.
But xamoom is constantly improving all its apps. We never stand still, this is just the start. So it would be conceivable that only the answer to a quiz leads the way to the next location or that successful puzzles are rewarded with vouchers.
Of course, all imaginable forms can also be integrated into the normal smart app – from newsletter subscriptions to a ticket shop or sweepstakes. However, the collection of points is currently reserved for the quiz app.