We have greater ambitions than “just” offering a service. xamoom wants to be a platform. We want to allow developers to get their hands dirty and to develop extensions or apps. The best way to do that? Opensource as well as always good and up to date documentation for our APIs. Freely available software development kits (SDKs) and reference implementations should also take off workload. We have planned for xamoom to be very flexible from the very beginning. Although we have quite a few applications in mind, the most exciting ones will be the ones we do not yet have an idea about. By opening up, we will not only encourage to work with our software and make it easier to do so but also fuel creativity.
Our development goals
- Everything should be as simple and fast as possible. This will save time and unnecessary pain.
- Not only new location apps may arise with it. xamoom integrates also seamlessly into existing apps and enriches them with location features.
- One CMS, all screens: xamoom can be at our customer’s central content hub.
- Secure communications because all communication happens only via HTTPS.
From developers, for developers
We have built our interfaces and the SDKs as we would wish it for ourselves – well commented and a documentation that will always be up to date. We also want to keep as much work as possible off of the shoulders of third-party developers. They should focus on the most important elements – advanced features and an even better UI. For all APIs and SDKs, we offer reference implementations that are available under a free license (GPL V2). This will ease the learning curve dramatically. All links can be found on our GitHub pages.
Integration API
Content from xamoom can be synchronized not only with other content management systems (CMS). It is also possible to deliver it to various formats. The Integration API xamoom could serve basically any networked display – we are currently thinking of info-screens in the public space. The first reference implementation of this API is a sync plug-in for WordPress. It integrates and synchronizes any content from xamoom into WordPress posts, pages or portfolio items. We will support widespread CMS like Typo 3, Joomla or Drupal by ourselves. If a developer wants to extend them with their own functionalities or support a totally different CMS, this is possible with reasonable effort.
Mobile SDKs
We currently support iOS (version 8 or higher) and Android (version 4.3 or higher). The two SDKs enable new location apps and integrate into existing ones. Both kits take away a tremendous amount of work from the developer: This starts with the entire communication with xamoom and goes up to the finished UI components for all supported content blocks. Developers also do not have to worry about different languages of the content or various types of location identifiers (QR, NFC, GPS geofencing and later iBeacons). The installation of the SDK for iOS is done via CocoaPods with just one line of code:
pod 'xamoom-ios-sdk', '~> 1.2.1'
On Android this is possible via jCenter using:
compile 'com.xamoom.android:xamoom-android-sdk:0.9.6'
That’s all you need to get started. The reference implementations for the SDKs are our two pingeb.org apps that are also available as open source. Even if we use some odd discovery mechanisms with pingeb.org, they can be converted into your own location apps within a short time.
Developer support
If support is needed, we offer it on our GitHub pages with all the usual tools (Issue Tracker etc.). Those who wish to contact us directly may do so at any time at via phone (+43-463-930330) or email (support@xamoom.com).
This is just the beginning. In the future, there will be other interfaces opening up – e.g. for creating your very own mobile web client or providing help with discovering locations and content. The respective SDKs for iOS and Android will be kept up to date in line with new xamoom features.
We know that a good framework for developers is hugely important. Hence our request to you: Please take a look at the code and the documentation and tell us how we could improve.