Logo vom A1-Futurezone Wettbewerb We need your help – better: your vote. We are among the top 10 at the competition “Austria’s Next Top Startup” by A1 and futurezone.at.

Here you can vote for us, xamoom. An account at futurezone.at is necessary.

Many of you already know the hilarious outtakes video that we published last Friday. These scenes happened during the making of our “one-shot” with which we try to tell a bit about our company.

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What’s next?

We made it under the top 10 and with your help, we can reach the top 5. If we succeed, we may pitch for acceptance into A1’s startup program.

We need to go the last mile alone, but we are more than confident to make it. Why? Because we learned during these last months. Boy, did we learn a lot?!

And now, something that might interest you:

What we are doing?

As you know, xamoom’s foundation comes from the netculture project pingeb.org. Because the URLs on all stickers were always unique (for NFC as well as for QR), we could have offered location-based content for a long time. In fact, we did. At some locations (bus stops, subsidiaries of BKS Bank or at Heyn) we inject little ads between text and links.

With xamoom, we aim to bring location-based services to everyone with good ideas and little money. We want to make these kinds of services hassle-free and a commodity. Everybody should set up a project with a blink of an eye.

Endless possibilities

Location-based services are nothing new and we are quite late to the party. We are definitely not a first mover but the way we’ll to do it is very different and new. Without telling everything upfront and killing the excitement: What has been very expensive and exhausting in the past, will soon be possible with a fraction of time and money.

Our design goal for the xamoom cloud was the ultimate flexibility. We already have tons of ideas for use cases – from tourism to arts & culture as well as commerce. Even more exciting will be the use cases our customers will come up and we do not even think of yet.

We see ourselves not as solution offer but as a service infrastructure provider. This means that everybody could do new and amazing things with the xamoom cloud.

Internal launch on September 20th

Three developers are currently working on the grand finale: the last API bugs will be ironed out and the finishing touches are applied to the user interface. On September 20th there will be smart posters with information about each speaker at TEDx Klagenfurt. It’s not exactly a location-based service, but also a use case.

We want to test how the platform performs and the workflow runs. We want to see if everything is working out as we imagined it.

Soon after that, we go into sales. And very soon after that, you can make joyful discoveries with xamoom and its partners – hopefully in many places.

Stay tuned!

Futurezone-Grafik: KURIER Grafik/Ulf Ryberg